Friday, September 25, 2009

Online Poker vs. Live Poker

Many new internet poker players have never played anywhere but on their computer. Some feel intimidated about casinos and don’t know what to expect. What’s different about casino play then online play? Read on to find out…

At the casino, the speed of the game will be slow compared to online. Every hand the dealer has to reshuffle the cards and manually deal them out. Also, there is no time limit for a player to make their decision. Plus, when the table breaks it lasts much longer then the 3 or 5 minutes you’ll see online.

At the live table, there is no sound that alerts you when its your turn, and no pre-action buttons, so you have to pay attention. Make sure you know when its your turn, or you’ll have no idea.

Avoid string betting. This is when you put a few chips into the pot, then put some more into the pot later. It confuses players and may anger some of the people at the table. Clearly state your bet or raise when you make your play.

What to wear. Some casinos won’t let you play unless you look half decent. Make sure you find this out in advance.

What will be much better about casino poker is the relationships you make. You’ll meet friends at the table, and are more likely to have conversations with them. Also, the actual feel of the cards, chips, table, and cash that you win is incomparable to online play.

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